United Pet Fund was founded in 2010 as a nonprofit organization with the express purpose of ‘Helping Where Needed’ for Animal Care and Service Organizations (ACSOs). With that philosophy, we have provided: Scholarship funds for ACSO volunteers to … [Read more...]
Play Games with Alcott!
Our friend Alcott will be making an appearance at the My Furry Valentine Main Event. As the sponsor of the Kid's Activity Area, Alcott will be there to play games, take pictures and join in the festivities! He's bringing along a face painter, … [Read more...]
Breaking News! This Just In!
Be It Proclaimed: Whereas, thousands of animals in the Greater Cincinnati area each year are homeless and in need of adoption; and, Whereas, hundreds of animal rescuers, rescues and shelters work tirelessly year-round to find loving homes for these … [Read more...]
Healing Touch for Animals
As more people enjoy the benefits of sharing life with a pet, there are more ways than ever before to help our furry family members recover from injuries, heal from emotional and physical wounds, or generally feel better. Thundershirts help dogs who … [Read more...]
Check Out our My Furry Valentine Radio Ads
We're happy to announce the release of this year's My Furry Valentine radio ads! They'll be airing on Q102 beginning tomorrow and running through next weekend, so be sure to tune in and listen for them! … [Read more...]