Town criers are needed. Sort of.
We are in need of volunteers THIS WEEKEND to distribute flyers and posters to area businesses announcing our big event.
To make things easy, we’ve set up My Furry Valentine “Distribution Hubs” as a convenient way for our friends and fans to pick up our event posters and flyers and help get them distributed in the many communities in our region. CLICK HERE to view the list of all our distribution hubs around town. If there are any in your area, grab your keys and head out the door to pick up a stack and start posting! All we ask is that you consider what you can distribute and take only what you need, so we can be sure to cover as many areas as possible.
Help us let your community know about Greater Cincinnati’s Super Adoption Weekend. Please remember to ask permission before posting and leaving materials behind, and bring along some scotch tape, push pins and a stapler.
Reminder: You can also print flyers from this PDF and paper the town, your office, your community. Post them in your lobby, at the salon, convenience store, gym, coffee shop, pet supply store, veterinarian, apartment building, school, church, community board at your favorite restaurant, or anywhere you go!
Our pet’s thank you and so do we!